
San Sereno News August 2018

It’s been an eventful month for the gardeners at San Sereno with the introduction of Life Landscapes, as well as the completion of the Vuma fibre project. We have received positive feedback from residents regarding the changes and Life Landscapes have committed to training and improving the current team. Your gardens are in safe hands, and we can now turn our attention towards the food and beverage department.

Amidst the renovations occurring, Food and Beverage will have an ongoing focus over the next 3 months as various facilities become available. Initially, minor adjustments will be made to service offerings as we look to improve the hospitality at San Sereno.

Our first announcement is that Rohan du Buson and Martin Greyling have been working on a new 28 day cycle menu that will be implemented from August 2018. Further to this, we have decided that as 2nd August 2018, we will extend operating hours in the dining area on Thursday, Friday and Saturday until 21h00.
Please feel free to provide us with your comments on the new menu or any event ideas you believe the San Sereno community may enjoy.

Yours in Hospitality

Rui Antunes
Hospitality and Services Manager